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Legal Notice

Please read carefully the different terms of use of this site before browsing its pages.

Sun Aesthetics offers  healthcare solutions in Tunisia

  1. Consent

  2. Site editor

  3. Accommodation

  4. Development

  5. Reminder of the main texts

  6. Compliance & labeling


This site is an information site intended for the general public. Access to the site is free.



The site aims to improve the information delivered to patients, it does not replace the medical consultation, which it can in no way replace.

The site does not offer personalized medical advice. Anyone who wishes to benefit from personalized advice is invited to consult a qualified practitioner in Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery.

By connecting to this site, you unreservedly accept these terms and conditions. Also, in accordance with Article n ° 6 of Law n ° 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for confidence in the digital economy, the managers of this website are:


Sun Aesthetics 
Editorial manager:

Address :

Telephone: + 216 55 291 639
Website :


Al Karama Holding building, rue du Lac d'Annecy-Passage du Lac Malawi
The banks of the lake, 1053, Tunis


Address: Building Dream Center، Apartment 7-A2، Montplaisir، Tunis 1002, Tunisia
Website :


  • The Commercial Code and in particular Articles L. 441-6 and L. 442-6

  • The consumer code and in particular article L. 113-3

  • Law n° 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for confidence in the digital economy and in particular article 6.

  • Law n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms for questions of processing of personal data.

  • Order of October 17, 1996 relating to the advertising of medical and surgical acts for aesthetic purposes: establishment of the estimate.

  • Law No. 2002-303 of March 4, 2002 relating to the rights of patients and the quality of the health system: supervision of the practice of cosmetic surgery in accredited establishments.

  • Implementing decree no. 2005-776 of July 11, 2005 of the aforementioned Law. Cosmetic surgery procedures must be and are performed by qualified surgeons in an approved establishment.

  • Circular No. DGS/SD2B/DHOS/04/2005-576 of December 23, 2005 specifying the aforementioned decree.


  • This site has been declared to the National Commission for Computing and Liberties (CNIL).

  • The website  does not accept or receive advertising funds.

  • The creation of this site followed the recommendations of the National Council of the Order of Physicians.

  • The site complies with the recommendations of the HON Code charter

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The content of this site does not replace any medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Only a health professional is able to answer any question relating to your state of health or to issue a medical opinion, diagnosis or medical treatment. Do not hesitate to seek the advice of your doctor.

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